A Mother's Keeper
“I’ll be ok mami” Those were the words that started my college journey here at the University of Florida. Standing there saying goodbye to my mother before she departed to Miami seemed surreal to me.

I had been fighting the urge to cry while I was in my room. My older sister looked like she was going to cry, but before she could burst into tears I hugged her tightly. I told her it was going to be ok and to wait in the room. I gathered the courage to head to the kitchen and console my sobbing mother. It was at that moment that I faced reality.

The only motivation she had were me and my sister. Our accomplishments in school always brought back those qualities. Hence, my sister and I always made sure to achieve academic excellence.
During the weekends my mom had us go to my father’s house. My sister was always happy to see my father, I, on the other hand never wanted to leave my mother’s side. I would go to the park across the street and spend the entire day there. 

I disliked being at my father’s home so I asked to help out at the horse stable that was owned by the park. I was thirteen when I got my first job and it was at the horse stable.

It all happened very quickly. Before I knew it my mother was dropping me off at dorm. There I stood hugging her goodbye, trying to be strong for her, as I’ve always been. This time my strength failed me. This was the first time I allowed her to see to see me cry. Many people would say that my upbringing prepared me to live on my own and though they may be right it was going to take a while to adjust to this new environment without my best friend. Looking back on that day I would have to conclude that moving to Gainesville was the best decision for my future. I’ve grown as a person, a student and a daughter. My mother has also come a long way. She is about to open her own business and is the happiest I’ve ever seen her. The distance has helped us grow as individuals all the while strengthening our relationship.
I chose to write this narrative because first and foremost it is very dear to my heart. It shows how I was raised and a series of events that has made me the person I am today. I chose to title it “A mother’s keeper” in hopes that the reader’s first question would be “what is a mother’s keeper?” That question is answered through the narrative with the images. I hope that from the narrative with the images the reader can conclude that a mother’s keeper is her daughter. A mother’s keeper is a daughter who is there for her during hard times, sad time and happy times. A mother’s keeper is a daughter who understands that no more matter what her best friend is her mother. I chose to put the pictures in a different order so that the reader could make their own narrative about the images. Looking at just the pictures I would think that a writer is possibly trying to make a comparison and contrast between Miami and Gainesville. The first picture is also the last picture in the narrative because it signifies that the relationship I have with my mother is never-ending. The song I chose sets the tone for the story.The song does a great job in describing what is happening in the narrative. I feel that it prepares the reader for a heartwarming story.